Even if one can get strawberries almost all year round, the best ones, the most enjoyable are those that have that spring savour, those that give a start kick to the Pimm’s season. No Pimm’s in France! (except for the stuff brought back from a spring trip to London; they always have fantastic deals at airports!). Strawberries enter the composition of lovely traditional cakes such as le fraisier and la charlotte aux fraises. It is sometimes said that the latter was invented around year 1800 by the french chef Antonin Carême for the Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III from the United Kingdom. Read More
Le passé simple
Le passé simple est l’un des huit temps du mode indicatif et tend à disparaître à l’oral, au profit du passé composé. On le trouve cependant encore à l’écrit, en particulier dans le récit où il fonctionne en binôme avec l’imparfait.
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