Un brin de bonheur
May 1st (May Day) is known worldwide as Labour Day, la Fête du Travail. France also celebrates it with demonstrations, trade union parades and lilies of the valley. Lire la suite
Carnaval, Mardi gras, Carême
Mardi gras (Shrove Tuesday, literally Fat Tuesday) is the last day before Carême (Lent) which starts on Mercredi des Cendres (Ash Wednesday). On that day, people are supposed to eat rich food before fasting, a religious ritual for Lent. Pancakes and pancake races are very popular on mardi gras in the UK. French people have their pancake tradition on la Chandeleur, the 2nd of February. The usual buns for Mardi gras, and the carnaval (carnival) season are: beignets, bugnes, merveilles and oreilletes. Lire la suite
1er mai 1st of May 14 juillet; fête nationale; Bastille day A1 A1/A2 Advent All Saints' Day; La Toussaint April fools' day B1 B2 Candlemas Carnaval Carnival Carême Chandeleur Chandeleur; Candelmas Conditionnel Delf Easter Epiphanie Futur Fête des mères Halloween Imparfait Imperative Impératif Infinitif Lente Mardi gras Mothers Day Nouvel an; New year Noël Passé composé Passé simple Poisson d'avril Present Pâques St Nicolas St Valentin Subjonctif